Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014 Newsletter


Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful track out. It was so amazing to see how many students kept working over track out to keep their skills sharp. Both classes got a “shout out” from Mrs. MacWilliams about our progress on Lexia.

Students are super excited about the start of book clubs this quarter. They are meeting in small groups of 3-4. Groups will be working collaboratively to discuss plot, character traits, and settings. Members of the group will be assigned “jobs” to complete and share during the meetings.

Students are writing elaborative segments to describe story critical characters or objects. We will also have a Writer in Residence come and share experiences in writing with all of our third grade classes. How fortunate we are to have the opportunity to learn how to improve our writing from a published author! Please be aware that the guest writer will be assigning some writing homework. Regular reading homework will not be assigned that week.

Math: The students continue to work on multiplication and division. We have introduced the properties of multiplication, commutative, associative and distributive. The students will continue with the following math vocabulary: factors, products, repeated addition, repeated groups, and equal groups, dividend, divisor and quotient. The first multiplication timed (1min. 20/22 correct) quiz will be given tomorrow on the zero and one facts. 2’s facts will be given on Friday. Starting next week they will be quizzed each Tuesday and Thursday. Check with your child regarding which fact they are on. We will be charting their progress in the classroom. We will notify you if your student is struggling with a particular fact set. They should be practicing facts using flashcards and Math Magician (link on the Blog). There is an excellent app on the ipad called Flash to Pass. This is a free app.


Mrs. Masteller’s class will begin a study of the earth, moon, and sun. We will recognize the major components and patterns observed in these systems.

Social Studies:

Mrs. Emerson’s class will begin studying the history of Wake County and its inhabitants. We are looking forward to our field trip to the Historic Mordecai House.

Please remember to send in your field trip money or pay online as soon as possible.

Important Dates:
Oct. 3 Case 21 9:30 AM
Oct. 10 - Field trip to Historic Mordecai
Oct. 10-16 - Writer in Residence
Oct. 17 - Early Release 1:15
Oct. 13-22 - Fall Book Fair