Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 22, 2015 Newsletter

ELA: Students are continuing to study social issues by reading fiction and nonfiction. They have been practicing to identify the author’s point of view and the main idea with supporting details.

We will be learning how to be more engaged listeners. Students will learn skills such as note taking while others are speaking so they can more effectively participate in discussions.

In writing students are exploring social issues and writing a personal narrative about a time they overcame a challenge.

Math: In this next math unit students will tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals (elapsed time) in minutes. They will solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a numberline.

Social Studies: We began our study of entrepreneurship and financial literacy. The students will be working in small groups. Each group will be given a business to begin. They will make a list of expenses and use the information they are given about their business to estimate income. They will use the budget worksheet provided to calculate whether they make a profit or not. The final activity will be writing a paragraph about whether their business was a success or failure. If it was a failure they will analyze what could they have done differently to be successful.

IXL Computer Program: As we get closer to the EOG’s we have a registered for a 30 day free trial of IXL. Students have the login information and we will be working on this some in class. Practice at home is encouraged when possible. There is a language arts section however, we will be focusing mostly on the math as a review.

Can You Help?
Our class is having a real shortage of earphones. Would you please check with your child to see if they have working earphones? Thank you!

Important Dates:
April 23 - Zaxby’s Harvest Oaks Spirit Night 5-9
April 29 - Interims
May 7 - Movie Night 5:30
May 19 - EOG Reading 9:30

May 20 - EOG Math 9:30

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8 Newsletter

April 8, 2015 Newsletter

Spring is in the air! The buds on the trees are bursting and the tissues are being used for sure!


Students began a unit on social issues. We will be exploring current social issues in our world today through reading narrative and informational texts. It will be important for students to use various comprehension strategies to examine characters, problems, and determine the main idea in text read. They will also be required to engage in collaborative discussion about the text.  
In writing students are working on using an organizer to write a biography using research from their Biography in a Bag project. They will also be responding to texts read in class.

Math: Students continue studying fractions. They are comparing fraction using various strategies. Next they will use what they have learned about fractions to partition shapes into fraction pieces, using pattern blocks. drawing, cutting and making quilt squares with different size fraction pieces.

Social Studies:

Students are concluding their 3rd quarter studies of the regions of North Carolina. They will be using their research and collaboratively making posters about their regions. These posters will  include the various landforms, climates, people, jobs and places of interest.
The next social studies unit will begin next week. This unit’s topic is Economics and Financial Literacy.

Can You Help?
Our class is having a real shortage of earphones. Would you please check with your child to see if they have working earphones? Thank you!

Important Dates:
April 10 - Super Kids Day 11:15-12:45 (lunch change 10:45)
April 17 - Full Day of School (snow make up time)
April 23 - Zaxby’s Harvest Oaks Spirit Night 5-9
May 7 - Movie Night 5:30
May 19 - EOG Reading 9:30

May 20 - EOG Math 9:30