Friday, May 29, 2015

End of the Year Wrap Up

It is very hard for us to believe that this school year is coming to an end.
          It has been a pleasure to work with your children this year. Thank you for all of your support.    
Here are just a few reminders and updates.

  • EOG results are in! The students worked very hard and they did a great job. Please check in their back packs for the results.
  • Report cards will go home on Tuesday. Included in them will be their teacher assignment for next year, and the results of their mClass reading assessment.
  • Blanket or beach towel for Saturday’s Brassy Bear Picnic at 12:15 -1:00 on the lower field.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Science Study Guide Coming Home Tuesday

Tuesday we will be completing a science unit study guide. Please review with your child for a test on Wednesday.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Week of May 18

Good morning! It was so nice to see so many smiling faces on Saturday morning. Thank you to Mrs. Nye, and Mrs. Cloninger for bringing in fruit and and to Mrs. Myers for bringing in donuts for a special treat!

Tomorrow is the Reading EOG and Wednesday is the Math EOG. We will start promptly at 9:30. The students have a total of 3 hours in the class  and an additional hour in an overflow room if needed after lunch. They are so ready and each one of them is going to do a wonderful job!

There is no homework this week. Please, please, please get them to bed early enough to be well rested and ready to go. Encourage them to eat a good breakfast and have enough time to get to school and get settled in. 

I would like to offer them a treat in the afternoon of popsicles. If you are willing to send in 20 on Tuesday or Wednesday that would be super! Let me know please. 

Thanks so much for your letters of encouragement to your child. We are going to have a successful week and they are so ready for 4th grade! I am bursting with pride at how much they have matured! 

Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015 Newsletter

ELA: We are reviewing standards from throughout the year. We will be review test taking strategies such as; scanning the text before reading to look for text features and predict what the text will be about, read the questions to become familiar, read the text underlining any information that seems important to refer back to, read all the answer choices and eliminate the ones that are incorrect, and finally-select the best answer.

In writing students are working on publishing narratives using Big Universe.

****Please don’t forget that your students should be working on their 2nd book project due May 13. Information about the project is on our blog under “Helpful Documents”.

Math: In math we have begun measurement of liquid and solid mass, using liters, milliliters, grams and kilograms. The students have enjoyed using balance scales and gram weight to weigh classroom items. We will also review measuring with a ruler and completing line plots. After this we will begin our EOG review. We strongly encourage the students to be using IXL to review previously taught standards.   

Science: Students began our unit on plants and soils. They researched plants and seed parts. We have investigated a bean seed and planted Wisconsin Fast Growing Plants. Today students will be researching composting and making their own compost bins. Thank you for sending in compost and worms! :) We will also research and investigate different soil types.

IXL Computer Program: As we get closer to the EOG’s we have a registered for a 30 day free trial of IXL. Students have the login information and we will be working on this some in class. Practice at home is encouraged when possible. There is a language arts section however, we will be focusing mostly on the math as a review.

Teacher Appreciation
Thank you so very much for all of the appreciation and love we have felt especially in the past three days. We love what we do and the time spent with your children. Thank you for sharing them with us and supporting our efforts.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful moms! Enjoy your special day.

Important Dates:
May 7 - Movie Night  5:30
May 16 - Saturday make up day 9:15-12:45
May 19 - EOG Reading 9:30
May 20 - EOG Math 9:30
May 25 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
May 30 - Saturday Full Day 9:15-3:45 Brassy Bear Picnic 12:15-1:00 whole school

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Please return Progress Reports signed. These were sent home on Wednesday. Also, please return payment for pictures or unwanted pictures as soon as you can. Class pictures that were ordered should be in soon and will be sent home.