Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 25, 2016 Newsletter

I hope your kiddos have enjoyed the winter fun weekend we had! 
Report cards will be sent home when we return to school. Please keep the report cards at home but return the envelope signed.


We are beginning a mystery genre unit. We will be learning about the elements of a mystery. Students will continue to analyze character actions and traits and how they contribute to the development of the story. We will also learn how illustrations contribute to the mood of a story and give meaning to the words by conveying things about the characters.


Students are taking what we learn about elements of the mystery genre to create their own mystery. We are using graphic organizers to help plan our mysteries. Also, students are studying a mentor text to see how a mystery is developed.


Students will understand the meaning of area and perimeter and be able to solve real world problems involving area and perimeter. We are learning how to find the area and perimeter of rectangular shapes. They will also learn how to decompose a rectilinear shape to find its area and perimeter. I have added TenMarks assignments online if students need extra practice at home.

Science: Our class is working with Mrs. Peck (Mrs. Croy’s sub) to learn about changes in matter. They will be doing great experiments involving solids, liquids and gases.

Please return field trip permission slips for our trip March 2 to Mordecai Historic Park. It is important to have a lunch count for the cafeteria several weeks before our trip. Attached to the blue permission form, there was a white sheet asking if your child would need a bagged lunch from the cafeteria or be bringing one from home. We will be eating lunch when we return.

Important Dates:

Jan. 29 - Cereal Box Book Project Due
Jan. 29 -  Principal Chat 8:00 AM (note to be sent home)
Feb. 12 - Early Release 1:15
March 2 - Mordecai Historic Park Field Trip