We have a wonderful group of students and are off to a good start. I am confident the students will continue to adjust daily to their new routines and new school.
Missing Locator Cards - Please send these in this week.
We have been learning about asking and answering questions while we read. The students are listening to The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It is a wonderful story and we will be using it to support the standards this quarter. This week the students were introduced to QAR (Question-Answer Relationships) in literature and nonfiction. Students are distinguishing between “In the Book” questions and “In the Head” questions. Ask your child about these types of questions.
Students are learning strategies to generate ideas for personal narratives. They have begun writing several personal narratives and will choose one to develop into a final copy after learning to edit and revise.
We are practicing strategies to add and subtract within 1000. We have learned how to add or subtract using place value drawings, expanded form and some are familiar with the traditional method of making new groups above and decomposing. We will begin using the number line this week as another method. It is my goal that the students understand each method but choose the one that they feel most successful with.
Social Studies:
We began our geography unit by making “Me on a Map” books. We are learning about the 3 regions of North Carolina and their characteristics. We will be learning about absolute and relative location, longitude and latitude.
We have some very nice agendas for students to copy homework assignments in each morning. However, this takes some students a long time each morning. Since I post the homework assignments on my website each week, I don’t feel a big need for them to copy it down. It is good practice for them but the most important thing is that they gather materials necessary to complete homework and put them in their backpack to take home. Please encourage them to be responsible to follow morning procedures on the board and make sure they have what they need to complete their homework each night. Thank you for your support in encouraging responsibility. Please check over reading responses for accuracy, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences. We are working on these skills in class and want them practicing them at home.
Science Special:
Ms. Brinchek is starting monthly home science challenges this month. This is OPTIONAL. Please check out her website for more information. www.brinchekscience.weebly.com
Important Dates:
Sept. 4 - Early Release 1:15
Sept. 7 - Labor Day Holiday - No School
Sept. 9 - BOG Beginning of Grade Reading Test for Third Grade
Sept. 15 - Open House 6:00-7:30