We are in serious need of volunteers to help proctor our End of Grade Tests (EOGs). Eligible volunteers include anyone over 18 who is not currently enrolled in a k-12 public school (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, neighbors...) Proctors serve as assistants to test administrators, they are basically a second set of hands in the room to help make sure everything runs smoothly. Volunteer proctors will need to attend training sessions prior to serving as a test proctor and register as a volunteer. Proctors will need to report to testing sessions at 9:15AM and should plan to be available until 12:30PM (although some sessions may end earlier). Please note: for test security reasons, family members may not volunteer in their child's grade level. We are in need of proctors for the following dates/grade levels (while we need volunteers all dates, 5/26, 5/27, and 6/3 are currently the greatest needs):
Thursday, 5/26-3rd Grade, 5th Grade
Friday, 5/27-3rd Grade
Tuesday, 5/31-5th Grade
Wednesday, 6/1-5th Grade
Thursday, 6/2-4th Grade
Friday, 6/3-4th Grade
Proctor training will take place Tuesday, 5/17 and Thursday, 5/19 from 9-10AM and 2:30-3:30PM (volunteers need to only attend one session...if you are not able to attend training these dates, we can work out another time).
Please contact our testing coordinator, Christy Bigelow (cbigelow@wcpss.net or 919-694-0555) with questions or to volunteer!