Friday, April 29, 2016

TenMarks Assignments

These are not required but I have added some assignments for practice on elapsed time and measurement on TenMarks. I am also giving students their username/passwords for today for additional review of skills.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


April 29, 2016 Newsletter


We started EOG review this week. Students are working in groups. The students in the groups take turns being the facilitator. Ask your student about the work they’ve been doing. (See picture to the right on the Twitter feed.) We will continue meeting with reading groups, to read and discuss vocabulary. They are working on assignments independently on Google Classroom to show comprehension of their book.


The class is finishing up their fractured fairytales. They are publishing their final copy by typing or making books with illustrations. Some have been finishing and sharing them on their SeeSaw accounts. Next we will begin informative writing by doing state reports.


Our Team Time groups in third grade have been working on elapsed time. We began our measurement unit yesterday and will then start EOG review. We will follow the same format for math review as we are for reading review by using groups. I also have a trial subscription to to practice math skills for the EOG. I have found it to be a good review method in the past. I will send the students' usernames and passwords home. There are language arts skills, but in my opinion the math is better and worth their time more than the language arts skills.


We will begin our science plant and soil unit on Wednesday.

Important Dates:
May 4th -  SSA (Single Subject Acceleration) Deadline (Information located SSA website or contact Mrs. Argent

May 26 and 27 (Thursday and Friday) - EOG TESTING

May 30 -  No School

June 3 - EOY Third Grade celebration 12:05 (more information to follow)

June 7 - Field Day

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Happy rainy Tuesday! 
  • Please remember that individual pictures will be tomorrow. Class pictures will be Monday April 25th. 
  • Science fair is tomorrow night from 6-8
  • Class play, "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" is Friday 1:40-2:20 (If your child has a speaking part please have them practice so they are comfortable with their lines)
Have a good evening!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 8, 2016 Newsletter

It has been a busy week back! The kiddos have made an excellent transition back.
Report cards are coming home today. If there is anything you would like to discuss, please let me know and we can set up a conference.


We will be reviewing standards previously taught. We are working on fiction standards this week and will be focusing on nonfiction next week.


Students are having a wonderful time reading fairy tales and learning about the elements of a fairy tale. We are also comparing fractured, or adapted fairy tales. The fun will continue when they get an opportunity to create their own adapted fairy tales. They will be using an organizer to help them plan their elements.


We are finishing up our fraction unit by solving real world problems that involve fractions.  

Social Studies:

Students will understand the structure of our three branches of government. Students will explore the relationship local government has to the community, as well as citizens to their community.

Information From Mrs. Argent:

Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) is the practice of assigning a student to a higher-grade level (in one subject) than is typical for the purpose of providing access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities. SSA is an accelerative practice that allows students to show mastery of the content of a course without having taken the course.  Students who participate in SSA are typically performing  significantly above their peers.  Parents and/or teachers can nominate the child to skip a grade level of content in either Language Arts OR Mathematics.   Nomination forms will be available at ACE’s front office or through the online site listed below during the traditional schools' nomination window (April 20th- May 4th).  For more information, please refer to the SSA website or contact Mrs. Argent (

Important Dates:

April 8 - Report Cards
April 13 - Science Fair 6-8
May 26 and 27 (Thursday and Friday) EOG TESTING

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Welcome Back!

Looking forward to a great week of meaningful learning!

Just a reminder that we have Case 21 testing for  reading on Tuesday, April 5 and math on Wednesday, April 6. Please make sure your student is rested and arrives to school on time. We will begin testing at 9:30.